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February 2025
Icy Illinois
Although the home of the Windy City (aka Illinois) is known for its harsh winters, photographing icy landscapes along Lake Michigan or in other parts of Illinois is not anything that's a given or you can plan for. I remember winters were the temperature dropped well below freezing and stayed there forever, at least it felt like that. But more often than not there is only a brief period where you might have an opportunity to capture some stunning photos of Icy Illinois. In this Showcase I am sharing a few frames, which I took over the last 20 years. All have one thing in common: it was really cold and the super hot shower followed by a hot breakfast after shooting for a few hours outside felt always great!
Just one word about safety. If you plan doing shootings like this, keep in mind ice on large bodies of water is not very stable. No matter how long it was cold. Never ever walk too far out on the ice! I wear rubber boots which I used in Antarctica too. Thery are rated down to -40F. The rating goes away quickly when you flood them, which I did several times. Flooded boots is one thing, going through the ice into the water full body is quite different. Regarding caves with icicles, be aware they can fall down any time. Please protect yourself and stay safe!
This week it is forecasted to become very cold again, maybe I can add another photo soon. Fingers crossed, my photo backpack is ready to go!
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Ice Dump
An icy sunrise at Lake Michigan, Illinois. The photo was taken at Beach State Park, the ice on the lakeshore looked like it was dumped by trucks. In reality I believe it was pushed onshore by wind and waves.

Walking on Ice
This photo dates back about 20 years. Ice was pushed against the shoreline and piled up like shuttered glass panels. It wasn't easy walking on those ice piles to take this shot before sunrise.

Hanging Ice
Not only Lake Michigan freezes over when the temps drop very low. In Starved Rock State Park waterfalls turn into ice sculptures. There are a few where you can squeeze your way through to access a cave behind the falls. This is the view you have from the cave to the outside.

Candle Wax Waterfall
When the temperatures become low enough the flowing water of waterfalls starts building ice layers. If the water flow isn't too heavy the layers look like melted overflown candle wax. This photo was taken at Matthiessen State Park in Illinois.

Ice Age
The shoreline of Lake Michigan in winter. It doesn't happen too often, but if the conditions are right you are in for a real treat (at least if you are an ice landscape photographer) This beach looks quite different in summer.

Ice Curtain
Back to the frozen waterfalls of Starved Rock, If you are able to get behind those falls an entirely different world presents itself.

Lake Michigan Iceland
Sunrise over frozen Lake Michigan. In 2014, Lake Michigan's ice coverage reached 93.29% on March 8, setting a new record. This frame was taken on 2/2/2014.

Ice Tree
Sometimes the temperature drops below zero F, but only for a couple of days. Usually there will be no ice buildup at Lake Michigan but the spray of the waves can form amazing ice sculptures on fallen trees on the beach.

For this shot I was down on my knees. When I tried to get up, I realized my Goretex pants and my tripod were frozen to the beach. Parts of the beach (sand) I had to wash off at home.
Icy Waves
This was one of my first photos of icy Lake Michigan at sunrise. At the beach a 4-5 feet thick ice formation had formed. It was very windy and the waves were constantly crashing over the ice barrier. The ice was very slippery and I wished I had brought my crampons. On that morning the windchill was a killer and after about an hour I returned to my car. On the way back I met two other photographers and I tried to smile - didn't work!

Update to February Showcase
It paid off to keep the camera backpack ready. Thursday we decided to drive to Starved Rock State Park, spend the night there and do some hiking on Friday. It had been cold enough to form ice falls. In the morning it was sunny with a clear sky and 7F. Added benefit, very few people on the trails. The following two frames where taken on that short trip.

An alien ice world.

Frozen waterfall in La Salle Canyon
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